Thursday, February 17, 2011


Ive been trying to update the blog but Ive been sick for the last couple of days. Its harder to write when under the weather. At any rate, I was just shown this amazing trailer by Skywalker. Check it out and comment!

Be warned however, this is some powerful stuff.


  1. Thank you Skywalker and Gamerologist for this post....crazy

  2. Yknow...I feel the sudden urge to wreak terrible violence upon the undead. Thank you emotionally disturbing trailer. Thank you very much.

  3. I do really like this trailer; it's definitely emotional and pretty... but apparently NOTHING like how the game will end up being played.

    Check out IGN's coverage on the game's GDC preview build; Daemon and Greg, while thinking the game would still be fun and good, were definitely not impressed with how different the game was from the trailer presented.
