Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My Footage Got Stuck in the Mud

When I started trying to get video game footage for vlogs, admittedly I was clueless. In addition to that, there were too many random sources trying to explain how to acquire console footage. Finally as I'd sifted through the muck, there was a simple explanation. Here is a sample of the captured game play for Bionic Commando on XBOX 360. Please keep in mind this is mostly a quality test. We just believe the public deserves an honest inside look at our work.

I like how I died like a punk right before it ended.

After last minute replies to anyone who gave me suggestions, we went with getting footage over a purely written blog for the wealth of content. We decided quite quickly not to ask for footage unless it was our own. This process is partly personal and gives you, the viewer, a unique perspective of the gamerology.

So again, this is a test for our footage. SuperGamerology would love suggestions on games or systems that you'd like reviewed. Old or new, it's all gamerology to us.

*Edited by The Hybrid


  1. That video looks really good, quality-wise. We will have to learn to edit and put a voice track over it so we can give commentary during game play. Did you notice we got another follower? I'm excited =)

  2. (Not to spoil the fun, but the "new" follower" seems to be the same person, with a different screenname.)


  3. I, good sirs, am a leader among followers. Oh yea, and the footage is legit. Carry on.
