I wish I was a gardener now!
Man Against Obstacles is Super Mario at its most basic level. Lets to the idea of Mario. What is he? A man in goofy suspenders. Okay, more importantly though he is a plumber in this suspenders. A common man. Something we can all think of having is a job. Plumber being such a standard sounding job pulls us people in because it a job most of us feel like we could get. It feels natural then to put ourselves in the shoes of the plucky plumber. We are that man! But a video game is no good without a purpose. Whats ours?

This is her I'm about to get captured again face.
Our purpose is to save the princess. Now Peach before she was cemented was also Pauleen and Daisy. She was an interchangeable goal that Mario fought for. The nature of her constant switching is also reminiscent of the human condition. We strive for our goals and often change them to fit our lives as it changes as well. But there is always something in the way . Obstacles that impede us.
Mario's life has always been one of danger. He may be fighting to save someone from a giant monkey or a turtle. This plumber also has fought threw a plethora of different flora and fauna to get at his goals. Its not so much what Mario fights though, its that he keeps on fighting. Just like when we lose their are more lives waiting. Its the feeling to persevere no matter the risk.

Obstacles? I'lla showa you obstacles!
Risk is all apart of the philosophy though. So when its all laid out we have a common man fighting through traps and the unknown to seek his very special goal. Man against Obstacles.