In the far future man kind battles on different planets throughout the galaxy. A group of mercenaries called the Whiskey Company has just been assigned to terminating Wolfpack. This Wolfpack group is a group of military based assassins. Turok is an ex-member of that pack. He and his new found allies must defeat the Wolfpack and kill there leader. But is Turok really a double agent?
Turok is a everyday first person shooter. There arent any curve balls thrown in with controls thankfully. The weapons however are pretty standard and average which is a disappointment. Besides that, much of the game has Turok relying on his knife which is cool but inappropriate againt dinosaurs. The flow of different combat difficulty is also off. Dinosaurs die in an almost conveyor belt fashion while the human merc enemies will continuously kill Turok.
The gameplay suffers because of the design. The knife is a one his kill against all the dinosaurs in the game except the T-Rex. This makes what should be the most exciting part about Turok incredibly mediocore. However, then the game pits enemy mercs against the player in vast quantites. While slightly more balanced than the dinosaurs, its still frustrating to die to an overabundance of baddies.
The jungles of unknown dinosaur planet will leave gamers asking why quite a bit. Sometimes Turok finds himself in thick jungle. Other times in vastly obliterated clearings. The planet never had people on which the storyline points out. Yet Turok will find broken freeways and remnants of city areas in many different locations. Visually the game isn't terrible to look at but it won't turn many heads either.
Turok is meant to be a dinosaur killer. This revised idea of Turok is interesting but it needs work. The knife is a dinosaur heart magnet. Enemies swarm the player too easily. Graphically the game is only decent. Nevertheless, there are good qualities to be had if one could overlook the shortcomings. Turok is worth about 10 to 14 dollars at most.
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