Hit up GT for awesome video game previews, reviews, and retrospectives.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Starcraft 2 is out!
Hit up GT for awesome video game previews, reviews, and retrospectives.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Dungeons and Dragons and Rifts OH MY!

When the gods leave the planes of existence to move on there own sometimes they smash into one another. A cataclysmic event happens in the world of Telara when the planes shift into one another. Rifts of dimensional energy open up leading hideous monsters and unnatural beings into the world. This is the basis of the upcoming mmorpg "Rift: Planes of Telara"
Leading the charge against the new evil threat to the planet are two factions poised against one another. The gods fearing Guardians and their rivals the technology loving Defiant. Guardians want are fallen souls who came back to life and believe the gods have no abandoned them so in turn the guardians fight to bring the gods back to save the planet.
The Defiant are beings who love technology live to fight and survive on the planet. They believe the gods disappeared so its time to take the matter of the deadly rift monsters in their own hands. Making war machines and battle technology is how they plan to solve the problem.
The world of Telara is a frightening place filled with eerie dungeons, horrifying monsters, and mystical landscapes. This is definitely an upcoming mmorpg worth learning more about. If youd like to know more click the link right here and tell Trion we said hi.
See you next blog. Im the Gamerologist.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
A Three Man Job

Id also like to share the website MMOHUT.com. They've been bringing the mmorpg indie scene to the forefront on there website. Its excellent and I recommend it to any video game player who wants to enjoy a fun free mmorpg experience. The two brothers Omer and Erhan run the site. They also have a first look series on youtube which explores most of the mmo's on there site.

Hit up MMOHut and comment below.
If you dig the avatars we made check out this!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Little Featurette on Trendy Entertainment

If youre interested in checking out more of this game or try the demo then go to www.trendyent.com
There was also an excellent artictle in GameFan magazine.
Ps: This blog and its writer dont own any of these pictures.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Siege by Nanostar on Facebook
Siege is a kind of real time strategy game where there are two sides. The person playing is always the attacker and the defender is always the computer. The player sets up his army, which then walk in a straight line at the enemy. If they defeat the defenders the soldiers then march to the enemies base and destroy it. Once destroyed the winning credits appear and the player who wins gets an assortment of gold as well as bragging rights.
Before bragging rights however the gamer has other options during setup. Besides the army the player can equip themselves with heroes who have different special powers on the field. These powers come in handy when trying to press the advantage or as a strategic defense.
Heroes can also be purchased at the browser screen where the player picks battles. It will cost the gamer real cash however. The browser view is also the place where battles are chosen and the latest news of the players exploits are shown like taxes or battle reports. Finally, the player may invite his or her friends to join the game and play alongside them.
Social games for many of its players are a misnomer. There really isn’t any socializing to be had in this game like many other face-book centric games. Developers haven’t really found a way to bring gamers together other than multi-invite and spamming “Achievements” on pages. If two people could actually be playing this game at once it would be far more interesting. As it stands its a very click and win system. There is also something to be said about micro-selling.
Micro-selling can be a big part of a developer game. A excellent example is Gunbound because a player can simply buy the more extravagant and powerful gear from the start. However, the player that doesn’t want to spend real world cash can earn that same goal through tons of playing. While in Siege the extra heroes seem to only be bought through the system rather than earned as well. It makes the game feel like a chore.
The other part that feels like a chore is playing battle after battle. Watching a few warriors battle it out on this map is cool the first few times but with one map and not much variety it wears on the gamer. The developers will hopefully see this flaw and the few others mentioned and make the needed changes to give this game some extra spunk.
Siege has a decent start into the social games put onto the internet. It has small armies killing one another. The game boasts some strategy from both an offensive and defensive position. It feels at its best though unfinished. There needs to be more player interaction and far more variety or it wont be accepted by the multitudes.
Resonance of Fate
Fate starts us off with a great cutscene that doesn’t necessarily have much to do with the plot. It explains why two of the three members are together in the party but seems to have seemingly nothing to do with the plot. Gamers start in the small steam-punk village of Ebel City as the leader of the team. Vashyron, Zephyr, and Leilana are mercenaries for hire who fix problems in the tower they live on.
Out of combat exploring the world with these characters is easily done. Players move with the left thumb stick and talk to there surroundings be it item or person with the A button. The buttons stay consistent with A always being the initiate button while B serves to cancels commands. The Y button opens the party menu. The shoulder buttons cycle through characters on the screen which means the player can explore as there favorite character. All together exploring and managing the party isn’t overly complicated.
However, combat in this game is complicated. Players must learn through a 11 step tutorial to learn how to fly across the battle field with guns blazing madly. The combat is complicated but the buttons are simple. Without becoming to involved, all the face buttons have a simple function as well as the shoulder buttons as well. The left thumb-stick controls character movement and the right thumb-stick moves the camera. The gamer will have an easy time with the interface though the health bars may be confusing at first. With little time spent in the game Resonance of Fate’s combat interface will be easy to pick up.
The other very simplified part of Resonance of Fate is exploring the world. The gamer puts down hexagons to electrify the locales around them. Once done, if anything is underneath the newly powered panel something like treasure or a entire city at some point may pop up. It was a clever way the developers could have the players both explore and feel like they are getting to become apart of the world around them. There always seems like a grand ambition as one plays the game.
The developer Tri-Ace must have known the ambition behind there game would confuse players. Even though the world seems intricate yet somehow vast, the simple controls actually enhance the experience. Inside combat, the controls are simple enough to grasp too. Because the gameplay is complicated and strategic, controls aren’t complex. If they were, the gamer would be simultaneously be thinking of strategy and then how to perform it on the controller.
Controller or not the gameplay can become far more complex at times. Regardless though, this game is fun. Gamers will analyze battles up and down then act according to there plan. Developers made it for the players who like to think and players will do just that.
A Few Small Reviews
Later on..
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Introductions are Always In Order
So, stay a while and listen.